- Ingredients: 100% Yarrow flowers (Achillea millefolium).
- Its generic name honors Achilles whose soldiers are said to have used the herb.
- This herb plant was first used by ancient Greeks over 3,000 years ago.
- The flowers and leaves of yarrow were eaten and also made into a tea-like drink.
- Net Weight: 1.05oz / 30g
Yarrow flower tea possible health benefits, including:
- Digestion: Yarrow contains flavonoids that can increase stomach acid and saliva.
- Inflammation: Yarrow tea can help ease skin and liver inflammation.
- Wound healing: Yarrow contains the alkaloid achilleine, which helps blood clot and wounds close faster.
- Menstrual cramps: Yarrow may help relax the muscles in the uterus and intestines.
- Sedation: Yarrow can act as a mild sedative to help with anxiety or insomnia.
- Immune system: Yarrow contains antioxidants that can help the body fight off illness.
- Digestion: Yarrow contains flavonoids that can increase stomach acid and saliva.
- Pain relief: Yarrow tea can help relieve headaches and menstrual pain.
- Skin and hair health: Yarrow tea can help promote healthy skin and hair.
- Fever reduction: Yarrow tea can help reduce fevers.
- Stress reduction: Yarrow tea can help reduce stress levels.